Saturday, January 29, 2011

Aaand here!

Just a quick note to tell everyone that I arrived safely! I'm sitting in an internet cafe in Accra, just down the road from our hotel. After four hours of delay from Manchester, I got into DC around 7:30 last night and left around 11:00 for Accra. Another kid, Jake, from my program was with me into Accra, so I wasn't alone, which was really nice. We found our way around the airport and through customs to the SIT staffer waiting for us. We drove to our hotel, caught some of the orientation, ate some spicy rice and fish, and then went to Medina Market. We all got cell phones, too, though we still haven't gotten all of them working quite yet. Tomorrow we have orientation in the morning and then we're going to Labadi Beach for the afternoon.

Ghana is truly so lovely I don't have many words right now.

Just wanted to leave a quick note so everyone knows I'm doing so well here!


  1. Tess i am happy you arrived safely and were able to hook up with Jake. I do not know if you got my email so I will post here as well.

    The silver necklace that grandpa gave you from grandma is one that I have also but in gold. I found it today and have decided to wear it everyday while you are gone. This sappy action will make me feel close to you and will allow me to think of you multiple times per day.

    Remember 2 things...
    * your mama didn't raise no fool
    * I love you forever and a day


  2. One more thing...when are we to have a skyp date
