Thursday, January 27, 2011

Stealing Tomorrow From Today

So, the big day came...finally! Well, sort of. I was supposed to leave today to fly to Ghana, but with the snowstorm/D.C.'s inability to cope with the white fluffy stuff falling from the sky, I'm leaving tomorrow. Anywho, I'm still really excited. The packing experience. I'm not bringing a whole bunch of a lot, so that was odd as an avid over-packer. Here's the loot:

In the process:

Perhaps the most important part:

 (Bug repellent)

And BA-BAM, the finished product:

Thanks to a Skype session with the lovely Miss Alice Arsenault, it only took two tries to pack! It's pretty big, but totally comfortable and all that jazz to make up for the shear girth, so I rock it.

So, tomorrow I'll finally leave for D.C. again, say a quick hello through the confines of airport, and then I'm off to Accra. The anticipation is absolutely dreadful, but I'm just trying to remind myself that it'll be worth it and my visa is good for five years, so if I can't possibly leave, I'll have a back-up plan. Just kidding. So, kids, here goes nothing! Bring on the adventure; this five-foot Suzie Q is ready!


  1. Now that the test is out of the way here is my real post...

    To think I have been apart of all of this. The gathering of the goodies, the sorting of the goodies, the laying out of the goodies on the floor, the stuffing of the goodies in the backpack, the call to Alice because the backpack was too giggily, the unpacking of the backpack, the repacking of the goodies and finally success - only to be disappointed that the flight was cancelled. But being my daughter of strength and conviction, she has done as I have taught her, and took a nap. I am so proud!!!

  2. I am so proud of you for fitting everything into ONE backpack. I am an overpacker too, i feel your pain. Proud to see that it is possible to pack like a normal person!

    love you, excited to read all your stories,
