Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Traditional Priestess and Me

Yesterday was definitely an interesting adventure. We were split into two groups and we traveled about an hour away into the countryside to go to a traditional African shrine. The nine of us walked into this very picturesque scene in the middle of a village. One of the SIT staff translated for us to speak to the priestess about her experiences and whatnot within the African traditional religion. Then, we danced with her and the other community members. We were then able to go for a consultation with her while she was possessed by the ancestral spirits. It was definitely an interesting experience that I couldn't even really comprehend while I was there. It's so crazy to think that, before Christianity, people practiced this type of religion for thousands of years. When I get to a faster internet connection, I'll post up some pictures so you can all see what everything looks like.

Anyways, I'm off to dance class!

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